

The CPU must be able to handle 64-bit integers (natively or through the compiler). It has to run a memory model where the data pointer size must be equal to the code pointer size. Threading is also required.


One record takes about 135 bytes of memory. Enabling DNSSEC is much more expensive and triples that value. At runtime, zone management and processing may require additional storage space, up to 150% of the zone file size.

Supported operating systems

YADIFA has been compiled on GNU/Linux (UBUNTU, Red Hat), FreeBSD, OpenBSD, OSX and Solaris. Other Unix flavors and Windows support are planned.

These are simple instructions on how to build yadifa with the default options. For a more detailed description, please check the reference manual.
You are always encouraged to compile and use the latest version of YADIFA.

YADIFA is tested with the following compilers:

  • GCC 4.6 / 4.7.2 / 4.9.1 / 4.9.2
  • CLANG 3.1-2
  • ICC 12.1.3
Note: the archive uses GNU tar.

$ curl -L<version>-<buildver>.tar.gz -o yadifa-<version>-<buildver>.tar.gz
$ tar zxvf yadifa-<version>-<buildver>.tar.gz
$ cd yadifa-<version>-<buildver>
$ ./configure --prefix=/opt/yadifa
$ make
$ sudo make install

We do not provide binary packages, but YADIFA is available as a package for the following distributions.

Please make sure you have the EPEL repositories installed.

$ sudo yum install yadifa

YADIFA is part of the official repositories in Fedora 19+.

$ sudo yum install yadifa

YADIFA is available in the Arch User Repository. When you have pacaur installed, you can use the following command.

$ sudo pacaur -S yadifa

YADIFA is available as a binary package for Debian/Ubuntu starting Debian stretch (9.0) and Ubuntu Xenial (16.04). For other reases, a package needs to be built manually.

$ sudo apt-get install yadifa

The source installation has been verified to work on x86_64 architecture, but should work on other architectures as well.

$ sudo apt -y install build-essential git libssl-dev debhelper-compat curl
$ curl \
                -o yadifa_2.6.4.orig.tar.gz
$ git clone
$ cd yadifa
$ dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc
$ cd -
$ sudo dpkg -i yadifa_2.6.4-1_*.deb
$ sudo systemctl status yadifa

YADIFA has been installed from source on several distributions using different CPU architectures (x86_64, x86_32, ppc64).

$ curl -L<version>-<buildver>.tar.gz \
           -o yadifa-<version>-<buildver>.tar.gz
$ tar zxvf yadifa-<version>-<buildver>.tar.gz
$ cd yadifa-<version>-<buildver>
$ ./configure --prefix=/opt/yadifa
$ make
$ sudo make install

YADIFA is available from the FreshPorts.

# cd /usr/ports/dns/yadifa && make install clean
# pkg install dns/yadifa

YADIFA has been installed from source on OpenBSD using different CPU architectures (x86_64, x86_32).

$ curl -L<version>-<buildver>.tar.gz -o yadifa-<version>-<buildver>.tar.gz
$ tar zxvf yadifa-<version>-<buildver>.tar.gz
$ cd yadifa-<version>-<buildver>
$ ./configure --prefix=/opt/yadifa
$ make
$ sudo make install

YADIFA has not been tested on NetBSD or DragonFlyBSD.

There are no packages available for Mac OSX. This is the installation from source code which has been verified to work on Lion (x86_64).

$ curl -L<version>-<buildver>.tar.gz -o yadifa-<version>-<buildver>.tar.gz
$ tar zxvf yadifa-<version>-<buildver>.tar.gz
$ cd yadifa-<version>-<buildver>
$ ./configure --prefix=/opt/yadifa
$ make
$ sudo make install

There are no packages available for Solaris. This is the installation from source code which has been verified to work on Solaris 10 (SPARC).

$ curl -L<version>-<buildver>.tar.gz -o yadifa-<version>-<buildver>.tar.gz
$ tar zxvf yadifa-<version>-<buildver>.tar.gz
$ cd yadifa-<version>-<buildver>
$ ./configure --prefix=/opt/yadifa
$ make
$ sudo make install

Windows is currently not supported.


The source files are signed with the following key:

pub   4096R/D6669651 2015-02-25
      Key fingerprint = 9DF4 F448 5F6F C405 1357  2886 A750 42DB D666 9651
uid                  Y:A:D::I::F:A 
sub   4096R/38914C39 2015-02-25

YADIFA 3.0.2 (2025-03-11)
Checksum: MD5 SHA256 GPG
YADIFA 2.6.7 (2024-07-19)
Checksum: MD5 SHA256 GPG
